These results were based on 2 different demo accounts which is 71909 (first account) and 212530 which i opened recently. I have compiled the results taking out the lot size, swaps and profit value because I was trading at different lot size in both accounts.
From my analysis, I would say that an opening balance of 4K is recommended if you are trading at $10,000 Lot which gives a return of $0.86 per pip. This would be an ideal balance if you wish to preserve your account to last longer. If you are trading at 1K balance, then a $2,500 Lot is recommended. Of course, if you are more conservative, then I would encourage you to have a higher balance but please remember that your return will be lower. Low Risk = Low Gain.
This simply means Recommended Lot = ($10,000/account balance).
A $10,000 Lot size simply means 1 Lot on a MINI ACCOUNT OR 0.1 Lot on a STANDARD ACCOUNT.
Usually when a trade executes, about 3-4 positions will be opened which means expect 3-4 Lots to be opened on a MINI ACCOUNT.
Using this expert advisor on different brokers will yield different results. I will post my FXDD results later so that you guys can compare the difference. Rite now I am only testing this EA on ODL, FXDD and Interbankfx. I am going to test on another MT4 broker which is quite reputable in the forex market. I hope this broker can give a result almost similar to ODL. If it does, then I will let you guys know who this broker is.
Alrites, let me show you the comparison trading this EA with a trendfilter.
With Trendfilter ON
Account Balance: 4,000
Profit: 5,798.12 ($0.86 Per Pip)
% Gained: 145%
Winning %: 71%
Timeframe: H1
Date Started: 27 November 2008
Results by Month:
November 07: -4 Pips
December 07: +2,914 Pips
January 08: +1,414 Pips
February 08: +906 Pips
March 08: -154 Pips
April 08: +1,517 Pips
May 09: +149 Pips
Total Pips +6,742
With Trendfilter OFF
Account Balance: 4,000
Profit: 5,694.14 ($0.86 Per Pip)
% Gained: 140%
Winning %: 65%
Timeframe: H1
Date Started: 27 November 2008
Results by Month:
November 07: -326 Pips
December 07: +2,862 Pips
January 08: +1,060 Pips
February 08: +1,006 Pips
March 08: -902 Pips
April 08: +4,373 Pips
May 09: -1,544 Pips
Total Pips +6,529
As you can see, total pips difference is not that many. However, trading without Trendfilter can be a disaster when you look at the losses in March (-902) and last month May (-1,544). Imagine if you guys traded this EA on May with Trendfilter OFF, could have wipe off 38% of your account easily. Looking at these results, maybe when I release this EA for sale it will be trading with Trendfilter ON only. One more thing, maybe we should just ignore the November results...I am gonna post the FXDD results in a few days time which are the results for April and May. I hope to release this EA for sale really soon. Stay tuned to my forex blog.
In the mean time, let's look at the screenshots of both results. Highlighted in yellow are trades executed in my first demo account 71909. Feel free to mail me at if you have any questions regarding this Demark Expert Advisor.
Trendfilter ON

Trendfilter OFF