Let's analyze the April performance for my Demark auto forex system...well, not really full month of April though...
Date Started: 16/4/2008
Total Trades: 56
Winning Percentage (inclusive of breakeven trades) : 78.57%
Total Pips: +2,051
May got off to a slow start. Here is the update on May performance so far:
Total Trades: 12
Winning Percentage (inclusive of breakeven trades) : 33.33%
Total Pips: -636
Oh well, it is still in the early weeks of May, I am confident that by end of this month, we will be in profitable zone. Overall performance, the account is still up by 1,415 pips, profit is up by 14% overall. The discretion to trade with or without the trend depends on you. I am not using trendfilter for this demo test, however, my live account is using trendfilter. Below is my latest forex statement from ODL.

Hey by the way, you wanna know how the DeMark expert advisor performed without trendfilter between April 1st to April 15th? Here it is, check out the screenshot below. It was running on my previous ODL account. Total 2,322 pips. If i add up to the pips on my new test account, the total is actually 4,373 pips. Whoa! That's the mother of all pips i call it!
Ok let's add up both (old and new results) and see what's the statistic is...
Date Started: 1/4/2008 - 30/4/2008
Total Trades: 88
Winning Percentage (inclusive of breakeven trades) : 86.36%
Total Pips: +4,373
April 1st - April 15 2008 DeMarktrader EA performance without Trendfilter screenshot below.