Ok let's review this week trades which ended yesterday.
Total Trades: 20
Winning Percentage (inclusive of breakeven trades) : 100.00%
Total Pips: +484
NO LOSS TRADING WEEK. 10 of the trades were breakeven. My DeMarkTrader Expert Advisor has a special trailing stop feature which will breakeven trades when certain conditions are met. If you look at my last trades on Friday, we could have gotten more pips. I manually set a trailing stop value because of other factors which i considered. Hey, guess wat, the last trades we profited about 259 pips...I know, we could have made more...Folks, NEVER let a winning trade to be a losing one...
WARNING! If you use my EA to autotrade next time, please don't nag to me and blah blah blah that you could have gotten more pips! If you want more pips, then don't set the trailing stop but if market reversed and your SL got hit, blame it on your GREED. Don't whine and grumble to me if you didn't follow my instructions when using the EA next time. Hey where are in here together because we want to make money yah...Oh well, maybe I embed this Trailing Stop feature into the EA INSTEAD of setting it as an OPTION...
I have done my research forward testing on 15 pairs with this DeMark Expert Advisor and I can tell you that not all pairs are profitable. The closest pair came to matching GBP/CHF is GBP/JPY...but Sterling Yen is not as consistent compared to Sterling Swiss...that's the reason i dropped it from using this system...
Let's total them up for the whole month of May to date:
Total Trades: 31
Winning Percentage (inclusive of breakeven trades) : 75.00%
Total Pips: -152
On the overall analysis if i include April and May, my statistics would be like this...
Total Trades: 88
Winning Percentage (inclusive of breakeven trades) : 77.27%
Total Pips: +1,899
Trendfilter: NO
I like the statistics so far on my ODL demo forex account. If i include my previous account haul of 6,200 pips, we will be up by 8,000 pips overall. Ok here is my latest account statement. My FXDD analysis will be out shortly.